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上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院国际交流合作处招聘专业外教(英语、法语)english/french teachers

来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2023-10-26 15:09:32 |  访问:6117


1.abide by the constitution and laws of the people's republic of china

2.abide by the ethics of teachers, uphold academic integrity, be willing to work diligently, and have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity

3.native language or official language:english, french.

4.less than 60 years old

5.educational background: bachelor degree or higher

6.more than 2 years of language teaching experience or the certificate in education or language


1.engage in full-time teaching work. foreign language teachers mainlyteachenglish/french spoken lessons

2.complete other teaching tasks assigned by faculty, including answering questions after class, tutorials, etc

3.abide by xianda teachers' code of conduct and teaching regulations.

iii.wages andbenefit

1.monthly salary:12 class hours/per week ;10,000rmb/month

2.other benefits:

1)accommodation on campus

2)round-trip air ticket reimbursement as long as providing one year’s teaching service. maximum amounts:10000 yuan in total

3)medical insurance

4)paid summer and winter vacations


please send your resume to email: 1520280@xdsisu.edu.cn


contacts:gina zhang

tel: 021-51278088;021-51278561

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